My deepest scholarly interest is in grassroots consciousness in African diaspora contexts.
Afro-Indigenization and Marasa Consciousness: A Theory of Grassroots Cultural Practice [Under Review, Duke Press]
Clear Word and Third Sight: Folk Groundings and Diasporic Consciousness in African Caribbean Writing, [Monograph]
Co-Published by Duke Press, 2003 & The Press of the University of the West Indies, Mona, 2004
Caribbean Memoir: The Life and Legacy of Cyril Bailey, Railroad Stationmaster in Early 20th Century Jamaica
Roast Breadfruit and Other Migration Mythographies [Creative Nonfiction Manuscript-in-progress]
“Insurgent Attitude: The Shifting Ground of the Black Feminine,” in Cultural Dynamics: Decolonial Feminist Praxis, Forthcoming (Fall 2020).
“The Prosperity Gospels of Superstardom: Kanye’s Philosophy,” co-authored with Leroy Myers, Jr. and Zachary Leacock. In The Journal of Hip Hop Studies, Vol. 6 [2019], Iss. 1, Art 1.
“Pedagogical Poetics and Curricular Design in the Interracial Classroom: A Black Female Perspective,” in Curriculum at the Crossroads: Women of Color Resist and Reflect, Eds. Kirsten Edwards & Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, 8-21. New York: Rutledge Press, 2018 (20 pages).
“Blackness Through a Dual Lens: A Caribbean Journey into the African American Experience” in Public: A Journal of Imagining America, Syracuse Unbound, an imprint of Syracuse University Press, ISSN 2326-2567, 2016, (27 pages).
“Black Film Comedy as Vital Edge: A Reassessment of the Genre” in The Blackwell Companion to Film Comedy. Edited by Andy Horton & Joanna Rapf, 343-364. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2013.
“Caribbean Organic Intellectual: The Legacy and Challenge of Erna Brodber’s Life Work.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, SX 39, (Nov. 2012): 72-88.
“The Man in the Gutter is the God Maker: Zora Neale Hurston’s Philosophy of Culture” in The Inside Light: New Critical Essays on Zora Neale Hurston. Edited by Deborah Plant. 165-179. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger Publishers, 2010.
“Brethren Thy Wandering Sheep Behold!: The Pioneering Life of Fitz Allen John,” in Caribbean Trailblazers: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Edited by Baldwin & Cheryl King, Madison, NJ: Kings SVG Publishers, 2010.
“Diaspora Consciousness and the Concept of Plenitude” in
Shifting the Geography of Reason: Gender, Science and Religion. Edited by Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino and Clevis Ronald Headley. 200-210. London, England: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007.
“From Nielsen Estate to Africa House: Ed“we”cation and Male/Female Relations in Rural Woodside, Jamaica,” in Double Issue Caribbean Quarterly: Gender Development and Civil Society in the Caribbean, Volume 52, Number 2, June-September, 2006.
"Neo-Coloniality, Literary Representation, and the Problem of Disciplinary Solutions," in Decolonizing the Academy in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by Carole Boyce Davies. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2003.
“Complicity, Revolution, and Black Female Writing” Race & Class Volume 40 April-June 1999 Number 4.